The appropriate response time of companies in the recruitment process

Imagine this. You’re hiring for an open vacancy in your company. You have just had a couple of interviews with candidates and there is one candidate that really stands out. They have the experience, the needed skill set, the enthusiasm for the job and are a great fit with the team. You would like to proceed with this person. However, first you will have to discuss this with your business partner or your manager or you might still want to go through a more thorough process before providing the candidate with an offer. Time goes by and two weeks later you hear that the candidate you were so sure of, has accepted an offer from a different company. 

In the current job market, the response time of companies in the recruitment process is important. When a recruiter has found the ideal candidate for your company, your quick response can be crucial. Candidates often have multiple job options and those companies who respond adequately are usually the companies that bring the candidate in. However, we must be careful that companies and candidates do not feel pressured. This, in turn, can work counterproductive.

Thus, if you want top talent, you should indeed take the time to think about it. But you must also be determined to act. The competition never sleeps.